
A Foodie’s Kitchen

7 Min.

We talk a lot about the importance of merging beauty with function in kitchen design. Never is that need more evident than when designing a Foodie’s Kitchen. A true foodie falls somewhere in the middle, between professional chef and home cook. Their passion for food and its preparation requires a kitchen that works like a pro kitchen but feels like a home. That’s a tricky balance, we take a look at what you need for a true Foodie’s kitchen.


Function: No one wants to be reminded of last night’s salmon during their coffee the following morning. Good ventilation is key. Look for a vent hood that is bigger than your range and go for more power if you have a gas range.

For looks: Your vent hood can be customized as a statement piece on your kitchen design or made to be part of your cabinetry flow.


Functions: Counter surfaces need to be smooth, durable and easy to clean. Stainless steel counters are used in professional kitchens because they cover all these needs, however they are not the look for everyone.

For looks: Soapstone is non-porous and naturally anti-bacterial. Marble will stain, but maintains a naturally cool temperature which is great for baking. Choose your surface and then look for the variety that best fits your design.


Function: A multi-burner gas range is very at home in a foodie’s kitchen. open flame with a grill or griddle attachment means almost any dish can be prepared.

For looks: In some kitchens a large stainless steel chef’s range is a perfect fit. But there are other options. look to Europe for some beautiful and highly functional unique ranges.


Function: A foodie’s kitchen creates dishes – many dishes. If space is available a second dishwasher, or dish drawer will help keep on top of the mess that occurs during culinary experiments.

For looks: Panel ready dishwashers will create a seamless run of lower cabinets.


Function: Good lighting is important in a kitchen, task lighting can really help with food prep. Lighting under upper cabinets shines light on counters, drawer and cabinet interior lighting helps find tools quickly and easily.

For looks: Concealed task lighting can be run easily within your cabinetry. The choose a fixture of pendant that fits your aesthetic.


Function: Having open counter space to prep food is key for a foodie’s kitchen. If space allows an extra prep sink is also useful. Setting up a prep area that includes trash and compost containers will also help keep things streamlined.

For looks: Include trash pull out cabinets that hide your garbage bins but are easy to access.


Function: Foodies love their tools. A foodie’s kitchen should have well organized storage areas for small appliances and prep tools. A knife block will keep expensive knives both sharp and safe.

For looks: Custom drawers with organizers and built in knife blocks will keep your tools at your fingertips and off your countertops.


Visit a Jewett Farms + Co. showroom to find out how you can merge your foodie desires with a beautiful and functional kitchen.



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